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Iguana by camilladerrico

I started to become interested in art as a younger child, before I went to high school. I appreciated cartoons and fantasy stories for their creativity and interesting characters, and started trying to draw some of my own.
zebra milk by camilladerrico-d344ntn
Iguana by camilladerrico
Purple Tear Girl by camilladerrico
Upside Down Mirror by camilladerrico
jovi  s antoinette by camilladerrico-d385qpi
The Fated Binding by camilladerrico
yuuta by camilladerrico-d306u2f
suckle by camilladerrico-d37vwuu
the bonded tree by camilladerrico-d31i7os
Nature  s Course by camilladerrico
Overture  s of Grace by camilladerrico
milk fountain by camilladerrico-d31i7tw
Pink Twin Rainbow by camilladerrico
Resurrected Bone Collective by camilladerrico
Maleficent by camilladerrico
Loveless Bird by camilladerrico
helmet girl
Gentle Fawns by camilladerrico
DHMSP Volume 3 Cover by camilladerrico
Cotton Candy Curly Cue by camilladerrico
In high school I took art classes to help me learn more about foundational skills, even though as a young student it didn’t always feel interesting or useful – I just wanted to draw fantasy characters! As I grew up and connected with my Italian cultural heritage though, I started becoming more interested in traditional painting, sculpture and architecture. Appreciating the incredible master works of art helped inspire me to learn to paint beautifully using traditional techniques. I continued my arts education and training in Capilano University’s Illustration and Design program, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. This was an important step in preparing me with skills and abilities to render my creative ideas.